

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cabaran Pendidikan Kini...komen anda

Cabaran Pendidikan Kini

“Guru manusia biasa yang ada pelbagai masalah. Mereka mahu memberikan komitmen
tapi kadang kala bukan semua mampu memenuhinya.
“Tidak adil hanya kerana masalah itu mereka perlu menerima kecaman
dan dihentam tanpa peluang membela diri”
Sumber: <Bestari>Harian Metro |14 Jun 2010|
INSTITUSI pendidikan di negara maju kini berdepan krisis serius apabila ramai pihak terutama ibu bapa mula mempertikaikan kemampuan guru dan institusi pendidikan mendidik anak mereka.
Soal keupayaan dan kelayakan turut dipersoal sekali gus memberi tanggapan buruk terhadap kerjaya golongan itu yang sebelum ini dianggap terhormat di kalangan masyarakat.
Meskipun mereka cuba mempertahankan pendirian dengan menyatakan masih mampu memberi perkhidmatan terbaik, kebanyakan ibu bapa dan masyarakat tetap tidak berpuas hati dan menganggapnya sebagai janji kosong.

“Bagaimana kami mahu percaya sedangkan anak-anak merungut guru di kelas kurang beri perhatian, tidak menyemak buku dan gemar menghabiskan masa menyelesaikan masalah peribadi? “Perlukah kami percaya kata-kata mereka?” kata seorang ibu yang berang apabila anaknya yang berusia 12 tahun menceritakan keadaan yang berlaku di sekolah.
Krisis pendidikan itu bukan saja disebabkan rasa tidak puas hati kepada guru malah kemudahan di sekolah berat sebelah terutama kepada golongan kurang berkemampuan. Bagaimanapun, kekalutan dan ketegangan itu ditangkis sebahagian pakar pendidikan yang menganggap ibu bapa terlalu menuntut layanan istimewa daripada institusi pendidikan.
Mereka menganggap guru terlalu dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab lain namun tiada siapa prihatin sebaliknya hanya tahu membuat tuduhan melulu.
Pakar pendidikan Pusat Statistik Pendidikan Kebangsaan Amerika Syarikat, William Hussar, berkata ibu bapa dan masyarakat terlalu mendesak, inginkan kesempurnaan dan gagal memahami masalah orang lain.
“Mereka mahukan yang terbaik tapi jangan biarkan keinginan itu terlalu menguasai diri malah tiada sesiapa yang sempurna.
“Guru manusia biasa yang ada pelbagai masalah. Mereka mahu memberikan komitmen tapi kadang kala bukan semua mampu memenuhinya. “Tidak adil hanya kerana masalah itu mereka perlu menerima kecaman dan dihentam tanpa peluang membela diri,” katanya.
Meskipun sikap masyarakat negara maju lebih terbuka, ada segelintir enggan menerima penjelasan dan menjadikan isu sedia ada lebih panas.
Memburukkan keadaan apabila isu taraf institusi turut diheret dengan ibu bapa melabelkan sekolah awam sebagai tidak profesional berbanding swasta.
Menurut Hussar, perbandingan itu bukan saja akan melemahkan semangat guru dan menjatuhkan standard institusi awam tapi memburukkan lagi keadaan.
“Apabila taraf institusi dipertikaikan, komitmen guru akan tergugat, tiada keadilan, kualiti pembelajaran merosot sekali gus merencat segala usaha direncanakan selama ini.
“Sepatutnya, semua pihak bekerjasama untuk mengatasi kemelut ini kerana jika tidak ditangani segera, ia akan meninggalkan impak lebih parah kepada masyarakat dan negara,” katanya.
Pada masa ini, Amerika Syarikat (AS) mempunyai 3.2 juta tenaga pengajar pelbagai institusi dan lebih separuh daripada mereka mempunyai kelayakan tinggi seperti profesor dan pensyarah manakala ada juga berpengalaman luas seperti bekas guru.
Menurut Hussar, meneliti kelayakan sedia ada, tidak mungkin timbul pertikaian mengenai kemampuan guru mendidik pelajar dan beranggapan isu berkenaan sengaja diperbesarkan.
“Apabila isu remeh diperbesarkan, ia pasti menyebabkan keseluruhan institusi guru dipersalahkan.
“Jika ada masalah, berbincang secara berhemah, tidak perlu tuduh menuduh atau melakukan provokasi kerana tiada siapa yang sempurna,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun, kenyataan itu dibidas pakar kajian sosial dan pendidikan, Dr George Capple yang menganggap Hussar terlalu membela guru dan tidak mahu memahami masalah dihadapi pelajar, ibu bapa dan masyarakat.
“Kenyataan itu berat sebelah. Salahkah jika ibu bapa dan masyarakat mahukan pendidikan berkualiti.”
“Ibu bapa dan masyarakat bukan mahukan kesempurnaan tapi komitmen.”
“Malangnya guru lalai dan sibuk dengan agenda peribadi sehingga mengabaikan tanggung jawab mendidik pelajar,” katanya.

Artikel : Using ICT to support learning


Benefits for pupils and teachers.

There are may benefits to using ICT to teach literacy. It allows the teacher to produce and modify resources quickly and easily. It allows access to a wide range of information in different formats. The pupils can engage directly with the area of literacy they are focusing on.
Teachers can use different drafts to assess how work is progressing and what input is needed. Some software is able to assess the children's work and provide useful information. Using a large screen or overhead projector the teacher can focus the children's attention on different aspects of the text.
The number of activities and resources is vast. Teachers need to be able to make judgements about when and why they should use ICT. It is not always appropriate. It should be only used if it allows the teacher or children to do something they would not otherwise have been able to do, or if it improves the teaching or learning.
Recent guidelines indicate that ICT should be used to support learning in specific subjects as well as being a subject in its own right. This has implications for management of time and resources. 

The Functions of ICT (as identified by the TTA)
This area of the site refers to the TTA publications - The Use of Information and Communications Technology in subject teaching, Identification of Training Needs - Primary and Secondary English.

Speed and Automatic functions - using ICT allows teachers to demonstrate, explore or explain work effectively; it allows routine tasks to be completed and repeated quickly.
Capacity and Range - Teachers and pupils can gain access to a wide range of information; they can use CD ROMs, the Internet, they can contact experts outside the classroom, the school and the community, this also covers the wide range of ways in which ICT can be used to present information.
Provisonality - This function allows work to be changed easily; saving work at different stages allows a record to be kept.
Interactivity - This allows children to explore areas which would otherwise not be available to them; they can communicate with others and present information effectively in different ways and for different audiences. They can get responses and feedback quickly. 

With regards to Literacy this means:
Pupils can engage with text in ways not possible with paper based materials.
Pupils can experience the interrelated nature of different areas of language - speaking and listening, writing and reading.
Pupils can focus on the contents at different levels - word, sentence and text level.
The development of reading and writing can be enhanced through - simulations, E-mail, fax, the Internet, interactive books etc.
Pupils can make links between writer and audience - they are able to adapt the presentation and organisation of their writing to meet the needs of different audiences. They can prepare websites and multimedia presentations.
There is flexibility in that the same piece of work can be used for different pupils in different ways.
Teachers can respond to different stages in pupils' writing, with some programs summative and diagnostic information can be provided. A saved or printed version of the work can be kept as a record.
ICT can support and enhance the study of literary texts, for example by using a split screen to look at different texts or using grammar checks to analyse texts. 

Areas of literacy and a selection of activities 

The literacy strategy can be broken down in to several areas: 

Word level 

Phonics, spelling and word recognition 

Use My World to sort words, match words to pictures, word building. Use programs like Animated Alphabet and Tizzy's Toy Box for early years. Templates can be made with Pages/Textease, children can build up words, the speech facility allows children to hear as well as see the words. 


Programs like My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary can be used to find words. Children can use word processors with in-built dictionaries and thesauruses to develop their vocabulary. 


Teachers can use programs like Words and Pictures to demonstrate correct letters formation. With a suitable font word processors can be used to produce worksheets or tracing cards. 

Sentence Level
Grammatical awareness 

Use programs like My World, Pages/Textease or Clicker to sequence a sentence, or do a cloze exercise; children can highlight specified parts of the passage. They can use a speech facility to help them check their work.

Sentence construction
Children can highlight a specific part of a prepared sentence or passage. They can correct errors in a prepared passage. They can use writing frames or passages for editing. 

Text Level 


Children can use Talking books e.g. Oxford Reading Tree, Rusty Dreamer. 


Use cloze procedures. Use Talking books as a stimulus for other work, My World can be used to order passages correctly. The children can look at stories on the Internet. They can use the Internet or a CD ROM for researching different topics. 


Using word processors allows the children to edit changes without it showing on the page, they don't need to think about spelling or presentation and so can focus on the content. They can communicate by E-mail, use Internet Relay Chat or send stories to the Internet to enhance their sense of audience. They can present information in a range of ways and use a spell checker or thesaurus. 

They can create multimedia presentations or their own talking books. 

Programs like Story Book Weaver help children with their composition.

Mengapa My Life Journey Port?

terima kasih sbb lawat blog study aku.
Blog yang sebenarnya direka untuk subjek Teknologi.
Sebelum nie aku dah pernah pun berbloging nie..
Tapi yang itu blog persendirian.

kembali kepada tajuk...Mengapa My Life Journey Port?
Bagi aku, hidup ini umpama pelayaran yang jauh sebelum ketemu keabadian.
Jauh mana pelayaran itu, bergantung kepada ALLAH..
Kita mampu merancang, Tuhan juga menentukan
Jadi dalam mengemudi pelayaran hidup ini...
kita sudah pasti akan berhenti seketika untuk sesuatu..
Anggapan aku mudah, UUM adalah perhentian seketika untuk
mencari ilmu bagi mengharungi pelayaran yang seterusnya....
Jadi itu ler My Life Journey Port